This refers to how services are paid for.
A lack of funding.
Funding complexities.
A lack of funding
A lack of funding or complexities in accessing funding can be a barrier​ to care.
"We are unable to serve every woman in need of ongoing care. We are therefore working on additional funds, both internally and externally, to secure long-term physical and behavioural health care for our patients.​"​
Evidence level: ​Moderate
​Parts of the care pathway affected: Decision to consult, Assessment, Referral, Access to treatment, Provision of optimal treatment​.
Key literature: ​
Funding complexities
The government’s spending plans can be changed within the financial year. This can make it hard for services to plan their spending at the beginning of the year. See How Funding Flows by The King’s Fund for more information.
A clear and easy to access funding structure for commissioners and service managers​.
Continued policy support from NHS England, and the NHS related to perinatal mental health care, such as the publication of the Five Year Forward View and Long Term Plan for NHS England, and Delivering Effective Services report for NHS Scotland.​
We recommend the provision of a comprehensively researched and adequate budget provided to the Department of Health and Social Care, Health and Social Care Directorates so all healthcare needs for that financial year can be met.
Where possible, a reduction of in-year funding changes is needed to allow for more thorough and comprehensive service planning.